Tuesday, October 14, 2008

the SECRET of resolving your debt.

Got debt?
Who doesn't in today's economy.  There are many organizations and companies out there who will pretend to help you deal with your creditors....for a fee.
They will promise to reduce the amount you owe, or even to sue your creditors to get you some fast cash.  Sounds great, right?  No debt, your creditors off your back, what could be better?
Don't you wonder, though, what do THEY get out of it?  Think about it next time you're munching on your latest FREE LUNCH.  These people are feeding off of your problems.  They want you to believe they're helping you, but who's interests are they worrying about most?  Yours?

What if I told you that you could get expert help...FOR FREE!
The SECRET that debt counsellors and lawyers won't tell you is that YOU can resolve your own debt.  

Over and over, I have seen lawyers make deals for their clients that the client could have made on her own.  They want you to think you're helpless without them.  YOU'RE NOT!  
YOU are SMARTER than they lead you to believe.
YOU can TAKE ACTION to help yourself and it won't cost you an extra dime.

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